It is our pleasure to welcome you to IVFHMS website.
IVFHMS is a cloud-based software application for fertility clinics designed for a single or chain of IVF clinics.
We focus our expertise and resources on delivering the most promising software application solution for fertility clinics through highest quality, secure and user friendly environment.
Our strength is in diversifying your businesses to suit the market and implement effective strategies to achievement your goals.
Patient Registration Appointment schedule Treatment advised and retention Activity Schedular or patient tasks Referral or lead management Patient feedback management Accounts with treatment estimation Document management system Management dashboard Administration
First visit and medical histories Clinical follow-up Semen analysis / DFI Intrauterine insemination Cycle management and stimulation Andrology / Embryology management Live birth management Clinical analytics Discharge card
RFID electronic witnessing system for fertility clinics IVF lab quality control / quality assurance management application Visual assessment of human sperms, oocytes and embryos for IVF lab or training institute to enhance clinical skill amongs employee or students. This aplication also can be use as correct embryo transfer witness.
Enhance your lab procedures with RFID elecitronic witnessing technology to improve traceability and minimize the chances of gametes additions.
Our RFID electronic witnessing system for IVF lab track the patient ID throughout process or consumables usage. RFID tag will scan throughout procedure and witness log will generated. In case of wrong ID detect, system alerts and prevent user to go further steps or check right gametes for same patient.
Ensure to prevent human errors while critical gametes addition or movement throgh auto detection.
SOP compliance with verification process flow and reports.
Increased confidence in lab professionals and patient's who undergo treamtnets during every lab process steps
IVFHMS RFID electronic witnessing system for IVF lab is cost effective as our aim is to provide latest technology IT services to small, medium or large scale of fertility clinics